Zatoichi Goes to the Fire Festival (1970)

Zatoichi Goes to the Fire Festival (Zatôichi abare-himatsuri)
Directed by Kenji Misumi
Written by Shintaro Katsu from a character created by Kan Shiwozawa
IMDb page
First viewing/Criterion Channel


Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. – Matthew 26:52

This 21st film in the Zatoichi series goes back to its roots and is one of the best so far.

The story is the same as all the others where Zatoich (Shintaru Katsui), the blind masseuse/gambler, is forced against his will to take up his cane sword again and fight off hordes of the enemy single-handedly.  He also has an arch-nemisis who will force him into a one-on-one duel.  This time it is Tetsuya Nakadai, who has too little screen time.

During his wanderings, Ichi comes upon a village that is under the thumb of an evil blind gang boss.  The boss uses what he thinks is his special insight on Zatoichi to manipulate him.  He sends his slave to Ichi to attempt to seduce him and take his cane sword,  But the spy falls in love with Ichi and refuses to carry out her mission.  So the boss entices Zatoichi to a “Fire Festival” for a final showdown.

Star Shintaru Katsu wrote the script and the production was helmed by Kenji Misumi, who directed the very first of the series The Tale of Zatoichi (1962), another really excellent entry.  Both clearly understand what makes the best of these pictures so great.  Accordingly, we have zero annoying little kids or comic relief or young lovers and plenty of mayhem, including a truly memorable fight between the naked Zatoichi and a group of attackers in a bath.  Katsu also has opportunities to display his skill as a comedian and actor.  Recommended if you have any interest at all in seeing what this is all about.

Montage of sword fights from various films


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