World Without Sun

World Without Sun (Le monde sans soleil)
Directed by Jacques-Yves Cousteau
First viewing/YouTube


[box] Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Starfish, despite their peaceful appearance, are carnivores specially adapted to eat shellfish. Scallops have many eyes to look out for their dreaded enemy.[/box]

The undersea documentary started with Cousteau.

Legendary oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau  created Continental Shelf Station Two, an early-1960s attempt at underwater living located 10 meters below the surface of the Red Sea. The “aquanauts” had air, food, water, electricity and other life essentials supplied to allow week-long stays at depth.  The documentary also includes many sequences starring deep sea life.

When this was made, Cousteau was exploring a totally unknown frontier.  It is amazing that life can exist under such extreme pressure without sunlight.

World Without Sun won the Academy Award for Best Documentary, Features.

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