The Trespasser (1929)

EThe Trespasser
Directed by Edmund Goulding
Written by Edmund Goulding
Gloria Productions
First viewing/YouTube


[box] “We seem to be unable to resist overstating every aspect of ourselves: how long we are on the planet for, how much it matters what we achieve, how rare and unfair are our professional failures, how rife with misunderstandings are our relationships, how deep are our sorrows. Melodrama is individually always the order of the day.” ― Alain de Botton, Religion for Atheists: A Non-Believer’s Guide to the Uses of Religion[/box]

Every ounce of heartbreak is wrung from this early talkie.  Gloria Swanson’s excellent performance and Edmund Goulding’s direction make the melodrama easier to take.

The basic premise is this.  Stenographer Marion Donnell elopes with boyfriend Jack Merrick, who is the heir to a great fortune.  When his outraged father interrupts their honeymoon, she expects her husband to act like a man, reject the family wealth, and get a job.  Instead, the weakling does not stand up for her virtue and agrees to a “temporary annullment”.  She walks out for good.  When she finds she is pregnant, her stubbornness and pride prevent her from informing the father.

Now imagine every single melodramatic possibility that this scenario lends itself to.  I bet you can’t get them all!  The tears of the susceptible should well up for at least the last half hour of the film.

This is not my kind of movie but I have to admit that Swanson did a remarkable job, especially considering it was her first talkie.  She is, of course, bigger than life but convincing for all that.  The rest of the cast is adequate and Goulding keeps things moving.

Swanson was nominated for a Best Actress Oscar.

From approx. 2:19 to 5:15, clips show Swanson singing in the film


I seem to be unable to resist bingeing on some pre-Code (1929-1934) films at the moment.  I might do a month’s worth after I finish off 1964 in the next few weeks.

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