The Milky Way (1969)

The Milky Way (La voie lactee)
Directed by Luis Buñuel
Written by Luis Buñuel and Jean-Claude Carriere
IMDb page
First viewing/Criterion Channel


My theology, briefly, is that the universe was dictated but not signed. – Christopher Morley

There’s is something to offend everyone here, especially devout Catholics.  I thought it was pretty hilarious.

Two penniless bums are on a pilgrimage from France to Santiago de Campostela in Spain. They meet many strange people along the way from various eras.  All are talking and/or arguing about theology.

At the end of the film we learn that every bit of dialogue is taken from the Bible or old theological treatises.  I recognized some Q & A’s from the Catechism too.  Their application to the many absurd situations is pretty perfect.

I don’t know why I didn’t expect much from this film and was pleasantly surprised.  I had a blast and would recommend it to those who are not easily offended.


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