The Five Deadly Venoms (1978)

The Five Deadly Venoms
Directed by Che Chang
Written by Kuang Ni and Che Chang
1978/Hong Kong
IMDb page
First viewing/Amazon Prime rental

Scorpion: [laughs] Let me tell you: once an evil deed is done, then it never ends. It goes on, and it will go on forever.

I surely could have died without seeing this one.

Yang Tieh is the last pupil at the Venom House. His dying master makes him promise to locate five former pupils – Centipede, Snake, Scorpion, Lizard and Toad – and destroy any that are using their powers for evil. Since Yang’s training has been cut short he will need to find a good ally among them. But who?

This film is non-stop kung-fu action and is considered a classic of the genre. The version I watched was badly dubbed, not that there is a whole lot of dialogue. I was not in the mood to watch a kung-fu movie so I shall say no more about it.

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