The Elephant God (1979)

The Elephant God (Joi Baba Felunath)
Directed by Satyajit Ray
Written by Satyajit Ray
IMDb page
First viewing/YouTube

“Excellent!” I cried. “Elementary,” said he.” ―
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Complete Sherlock Holmes

This engaging film is the second and last of the films Satyajit Ray made about the detective Feluda, a sort of modern Indian Sherlock Holmes.  The appearance of Hindu god Ganesh, the god of overcoming and new beginnings made this timely viewing for me.

Feluda goes on holiday to the holy city of Benares together with his cousin and irritating comic relief sdekick. But once they get there, the trio find it is to be a busman’s holicay. A priceless gold and gem-incrusted figurine of the elephant god Ganesh has been stolen in the household of another friend. Feluda agrees to locate the thief and the object for a price. Many complications are to follow before the film reaches its very satisfying conclusion.

I love Ray and this movie is thoroughly enjoyable. It has wit, action, beautiful scenery, and humanity included in a detective story with plenty of twists and turns. Highly recommended.

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