The 10th Victim

The 10th Victim (La decima vittima)
Directed by Elio Petri
Written by Tonino Guerra, Giorgio Salvioni, Ennio Faiano, and Elio Petri from a story by Robert Sheckley
Compagnia Cinematografica Champion/Les Films Concordia
First viewing/Netflix rental

[box] Narrator: A study of history confirms the validity of the Big Hunt theory: it is mankind’s safety valve. And if in 1940 the Big Hunt had existed, Hitler would’ve been a member and we could have avoided WWII. Now all is resolved, wars are over, and the violent instincts of man can now be expressed by a single and set competition.[/box]

I certainly was not prepared for what I got!  That’s a recommendation.

As the movie begins, a man is openly chasing a woman around town with a gun.  She teases him as she runs and eventually gets the better of him.  They are participants in a state-run competition known as The Big Hunt, which has been devised to channel man’s violent impulses and end war.  The “hunter” knows everything about his/her victim while the victim knows nothing about the hunter, including his/her identity.  Competitors earn a title and a million dollars when they win 10 games

The main game we follow is that between Caroline Meredith’s Hunter (Ursula Andress) and Marcello Polleti’s Victim (Marcello Mastroianni).  She’ll win her competition with his death. Sexy byplay alternates with ruthless double-dealing.  With Elsa Martinelli as Mastroianni’s wife.

This movie is insane!  You never know where you really are.  It’s kind of James Bond meets Hunger Games meets La Dolce Vita with many witty set pieces and fantastic art direction. Recommended to lovers of cult cinema.

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