Romance in Manhattan (1935)

Romance in Manhattan
Directed by Stephen Roberts
Written by Jane Murfin and Edward Kaufman from a story by Norman Krasna and Don Hartman
RKO Radio Pictures
IMDb page
First viewing/Amazon Prime rental

Karel Novak: Everybody looks so happy here. They all smile and look so rich and busy.
Sylvia Dennis: We all try look rich and busy whether we are or not.

I enjoyed this cute, if slight, romantic comedy.

Karel Novak (Francis Lederer) has saved for years in his native Czechlosavakia for the steamship fare and $50 in cash necessary to immigrate to the United States. When he arrives he finds out that the ready cash requirement has increased to $200 and he is deported. He jumps ship as it is leaving port and goes out to find work. Eventually he becomes a taxi driver. He meets and falls in love with Ginger Rogers, a chorus girl who is taking care of her younger brother.

Can their love withstand a taxi strike, Ginger’s unemployment, threats to take the brother to an orphanage, and threats to deport Francis? You only get one guess.

I have nothing more to say than that this an entertaining comedy with very appealing leads.


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