Mister Rock and Roll (1957)

Mister Rock and Roll
Directed by Charles S. Dubin
Written by James Blumgarten
Aurora Productions LLC
First viewing/Amazon Prime

[box] It’s natural that kids should look for excitement and thrills. Well I’d rather that they find it in the theater than in street gangs. I say that if kids have any interest in any kind of music, thank God for it. Because if they have the interest, they can find themselves in it. And as they grow up, they broaden out and come to enjoy all kinds of music. – Alan Freed[/box]

Let’s just say that Alan Freed had a pretty square definition of rock and roll.

The music is woven around the standard plot.  An evil newspaper editor condemns rock and roll as Satan’s music and Alan Freed proves it is wholesome.  In this case, he calls on all teenagers to donate to the Heart Fund in support of their favorite music.  There is also a romance.

To start out with the positive, we do get to see Little Richard and Chuck Berry perform “Lucille” and “Baby Doll”, respectively.  Aside from that, it’s pretty dire.  There are way too many drippy ballads and too much dippy comic relief.  Some of it comes from boxer Rocky Graziano, who is more likable than the actual comedians.


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