Bright Eyes (1934)

Bright Eyesbrighteyes1934 DVD
Directed by David Butler
Fox Film Corporation

First viewing


James ‘Loop’ Merritt: Now I’ve got a present for you. This isn’t from Santa Claus. This is from me to you. This is a magic ring, see? Just like in the fairy tales. If ever you’re in trouble, or if you ever want me to do anything for you, you send me this ring, and I’ll come.
Shirley Blake: Oh, it’s so pretty. Thank you, Loop.

Little Shirley (Shirley Temple) loves to spend time at the airport with her buddy Loop (James Dunn), a pilot who was the friend of her late father.  Shirley’s mother works as a maid in the house of some stuck-up rich people the Smythes, their horrible little girl (Jane Withers), and crotchety Uncle Ned.  When Shirley’s mother goes to Heaven also, there is a custody battle between Uncle Ned, Loop, and Mrs. Smythe’s sister who just so happens to be Loop’s ex-fiance.  If you don’t know where this is going, you haven’t seen enough Shirley Temple movies!  With Jane Darwell as the family cook, sporting a great Irish brogue.  This is the one with “The Good Ship Lollypop.”

Bright Eyes 1

Shirley Temple and Jane Withers

Well, I haven’t seen a Shirley Temple movie in a long, long time and I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Shirley Temple and James Dunn make an outstanding pair. He really seems like he could be her Daddy. Jane Withers is awesomely bratty. I can imagine that this might be upsetting for small children with little Shirley being orphaned, the parachute jump (!)  and all. Nothing great but good fun despite a some schmaltz.



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