Bambi (1942)

Directed by David Hand et al
Written by Perce Pearce, Larry Morey et al from the story by Felix Salter
Walt Disney Studios
Repeat viewing/Netflix Rental


[box] Young Bambi: What happened, Mother? Why did we all run?

Bambi’s Mother: Man was in the forest.[/box]

What is it about the folks at Disney and separation anxiety?  This beautifully drawn animated feature takes it to a whole new level.

The fawn Bambi’s father is the Prince of the Forest and Bambi will inherit that title when he grows up.  We see him getting to know new friends in the forest, including the rabbit Thumper, the skunk Flower, and Friend Owl.  The woods are populated with a host of birds and small mammals.  The deer enjoy a life without animal predators.  Everybody sings and plays.

Spoiler alert.  Then one day, Bambi’s mother takes him to the beautiful meadow.  She warns him that it is very dangerous because there is no way to hide from Man.  Bambi gets to know the female fawn, Faline.  Soon enough, poor Bambi’s mother is shot and killed by hunters.  Bambi goes off with his father, who really hasn’t been in the picture up to now.  Bambi grows up to be a fine young buck.  He pairs off with Faline.  Then come more hunters.  They almost get Bambi.  He survives to confront a massive, very scary forest fire,  Faline is attacked by savage dogs.  Then all of a sudden the circle of life is complete and Bambi is presiding over the birth of twin fawns.

I haven’t seen this movie since I was a child myself and I didn’t have any desire to see it again until now.  It may have permanently scarred me.  How could Disney do this to us?

The first part of this movie is animated to appeal to very small children.  It has the kind of gentle sweetness that pre-schoolers would like.  All the children go merrily along identifying with Bambi and then they lose their mother?  I’m sure all the events after that are meant to provide drama and excitement but I thought they would be pretty horrifying for someone small.  The animation can’t be faulted though and there is a kind of realism behind the anthropomorphized creatures that is very nice.  The music is pleasant too.

Bambi was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Sound, Recording; Best Music Original Song (“Love Is a Song”); and Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture.

Clip – Spring is in the air


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