Movie Resolutions


Flamingos, Doñana National Park, Spain

Maybe if I put my resolutions down here I will be more likely to achieve them!  First, I’d like to be more faithful in reviewing the assignments on The 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Blog Club.  There will still be some movies that I just don’t want to see under any circumstances but I’m going to make the effort to watch most of them and review them.

Second, I feel like I’m getting bogged down with too many mediocre films in my regular viewing.  It may only be that movies themselves have been in the doldrums in 1944-1945. At any rate, I’m going to try to pick up the pace a bit and see if I can’t finish each month in 4-6 weeks.  If I can’t watch with some anticipation, why bother?  This will mean I will probably concentrate on the films at the top and bottom of the ratings scale — the top-rated for review here and the bottom (insomnia) viewing logged on Letterbox.

Lisbon, Portugal (port of call)

This becomes more necessary since, God willing, 2015 will be a year of travel for me.  I’m going birdwatching in Spain in April, on a Bergen to Barcelona cruise in August, and birdwatching again in New Zealand in November.  Yes, I know, I’m a lucky girl.

Kiwi Chick, Motuara Island, New Zealand




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