Million Dollar Legs (1932)

Million Dollar Legs
Directed by Edward Cline
Written by Henry Myers and Nick Barrows from a story by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Paramount Pictures
IMDb page
First viewing/Criterion Channel

Opening Title Card: Klopstokia… a far away country – – Chief Exports… Goats and Nuts – – Chief Imports … Goats and Nuts – – Chief Inhabitants … Goats and Nuts

Paramount brought its leading comics together for this hour-long laughfest.

Klopstokia is a tiny bankrupt country who principal products and inhabitants are goats and nuts.  These days it is more bankrupt than usual.  Brush salesman Migg Tweeny (Jack Oakie) comes to town.  Angela (all the girls in Klopstokia are named Angela) and Migg immediately fall madly in love.  Angela (Susan Fleming) is the daughter of the President (W.C. Fields), who rules on the basis of his ability to win at arm wrestling with his Cabinet.

Klopstokia is full of unheralded athletes and Migg gets the bright idea of asking his company to pay a prize to each athlete that wins a medal at the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics.  Rebellious Members of Cabinet send spy Mata Machree (Lyda Roberti), the most irresistable woman in the world, with the team.  The idea is that she will seduce each in turn and destroy morale.

The plot, of course, is a device to hang a constant stream of sight gags and jokes.  These are silly but genuinely funny.  I had a smile on my face throughout.  Recommended.


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