A Married Woman (1964)

A Married Woman (Une femme mariée: Suite de fragments d’un film tourné en 1964)
Directed by Jean-Luc Godard
Written by Jean-Luc Godard
Anouchka Films/Orsay Films
First viewing/Netflix rental


[box] There is no point in having sharp images when you’ve fuzzy ideas. – Jean-Luc Godard[/box]

Between inane philosophizing and inane dialogue, this is another annoying film from the irritating Jean-Luc Godard.

Charlotte (Macha Merrill) can’t make up her mind between her lover Robert and her husband Pierre.  We get plenty of scenes of their endless conversations during lovemaking.  She does a lot of lying – or is she really in love with both of them?

To annoy me even more, Godard inserts a bunch of dinner table philosophizing and references to other films and film makers.

There is no denying that Godard was an innovator.  I just don’t like his innovations.  His other film of 1964 is Band of Outsiders.  I remember liking that one so I will give Jean-Luc another chance.

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