I Married a Monster from Outer Space (1958)

I Married a Monster from Outer Space
Directed by Gene Fowler Jr.
Written by Louis Vittes
Paramount Pictures
First viewing/Amazon Instant

[box] Bill Farrell: Eventually we’ll have children with you.

Marge Bradley Farrell: What kind of children?

Bill Farrell: Our kind.[/box]

This sort of wastes an above-average monster suit but is not too bad for all that.

The film opens at Bill Farrell’s (Tom Tryon) bachelor party at a local bar.  All the other guys are telling horror stories about married life.  Bill leaves early to visit fiancee Marge (Gloria Talbott).  But he is waylaid by a mysterious force and it turns out Marge will be the one with a horror story for a marriage.  In fact, her new husband seems like a stranger.  Soon, other men in town are acting pretty weird.

I was expecting something like I Was a Teenage Wolfman but it turns out this is more like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  It’s not as effective as the latter film but few films are.  This is a nice solid studio B picture.  Almost all of the monster shots are super-imposed, shadowy images.  I can’t figure out why as the stills of the beast are rather awesome.

Paramount distributed The Blob as the intended B feature on a double bill with this movie. The Blob, produced by a small church studio, was much more successful.  Paramount should have seen that coming as The Blob has color, Steve McQueen, and a much better alien.


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