Love Meetings (1964)

Love Meetings (Comizi d’amore
Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini
Arco Film
First viewing/Netflix rental



[box] Software is like sex: it’s better when it’s free. Linus Torvalds [/box]

I was not expecting such a wry, staid documentary about sex from the director of Salo.

Director Pier Paolo Pasolini interviews people from all over Italy about love and sex issues of the day from “Where do babies come from.?” to “Should divorced be legal?”,  Also included are opinions on gender equality, premarital sex, “abnormal sexuality”, and prostitution.   He reveals a nation tentatively moving into more sexual freedom while still deeply influenced by Catholicism.


Pasolini selected some charming interviewees – young and old, Northerners and Southerners, city dwellers and country folk.  Their shyness and basic conservatism speaks to a lost time.  I enjoyed the film.


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