The Leech Woman (1960)

The Leech Woman
Directed by Edward Dein
Written by David Duncan; Story by Ben Pivar and Francis Rosenwald
Universal International Pictures
First viewing/Netflix rental

[box] Dr. Paul Talbot: Old women always give me the creeps![/box]

Not to be confused with The Wasp Woman …

June Talbot (Colleen Gray) is ten years older than her husband, endocrinologist Dr. Paul Talbot.  The cad’s contemptuous treatment of her has driven June to drink.  When an ancient woman appears claiming to have the secret to long life and rejuvenation, Paul becomes all lovey dovey.  He wants June as a human guinea pig.

The Talbots travel to deepest Africa where they discover the old woman’s secrets.  Unfortunately, the process requires the death of a man.  Or not so unfortunately in June’s case ….

The premise is intriguing and has a nice feminist edge.  No leeches here!  There are some good scenes but in general the movie drags.  There has not been so much use of stock footage of animals since the original Tarzan films.  Worth seeing for aficionados.


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