Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)

Kramer vs. Kramer
Directed by Robert Benton
Written by Robert Benton from a novel by Avery Corman
IMDb page
Repeat viewing/Amazon rental
One of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

Billy Kramer: I want my mommy!
Ted Kramer: I’m all you got.

This is a good movie about marriage, divorce, and child-rearing American style.

Ted Kramer (Dustin Hoffman) is a self-centered hot-shot advertising executive. His wife Joanna (Meryl Streep) is an unwilling stay-at-home mom. She is miserable. Her husband will not listen to her. Her self-esteem is at a very low ebb. One day she walks out leaving 7-year old Billy (Justin Henry) behind. She figures he’s better off without her.

Ted has no clue how to even make breakfast much less raise his son. He is expected to be devoted 24/7 to his job to justify his recent promotion. His boss wishes Ted would ship Billy off to other relatives. Ted won’t or can’t do this.

Ted’s job performance begins to suffer greatly but he gradually becomes a wonderful father. After 18 months, a newly confident Joanna returns and wants her son back. A brutal custody battle awaits. With Jane Alexander as Ted’s divorced friend.

This movie has perfect acting which made me really care about all the characters. Justin Henry is at the center of the film and he is a very natural and appealing child actor. Everything else about it is solid.

The film received Oscars in the categories of Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress (Streep), Best Director, and Best Adapted Screenplay. It was nominated in the categories of Best Supporting Actor (Henry, the youngest person ever to receive an Oscar nomination); Best Supporting Actress (Alexander), Best Cinematography and Best Film Editing.

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