Katzelmacher (1969)


Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Written by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
IMDb page
First viewing/Criterion Channel


Everyone must decide for himself whether it is better to have a brief but more intensely felt existence or to live a long and ordinary life. — Rainer Werner Fassbinder

I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a movie where less happens.

A group of twenty-something German slackers hang  out, play musical beds and bicker.  hey usually are found lounging in front of their apartment building.  One day appears to be exactly the same as the next.

Into their midst comes  Greek foreign worker Jorgos (Fassbinder) who begins boarding with one of the couples that comprise the group. Jorgos begins a relationship with one of the girls.  This makes the German boys furious and they even work up enough energy to exact revenge.

Probably not the ideal place to start with Fassbinder.  He would get much much better.


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