Invisible Stripes (1939)

Invisible Stripes
Directed by Lloyd Bacon
Written by Warren Duff and Jonathan Finn based on the book by Warden Lewis E. Lawes
Warner Bros.

First viewing/Netflix rental


[box] Chuck Martin: [Bitterly to Clint] I’m gonna make them pay for every day I spent in that crummy stir![/box]

I thought this social drama was OK with a good cast.

Cliff Taylor (George Raft) and Chuck Martin (Humphrey Bogart) are prison pals although their attitudes couldn’t be more different.  Cliff is determined to go straight upon release while Chuck is heading straight back to his gang.  Cliff has the support of his mother (Flora Robson) and brother Tim (William Holden).  Even so, nothing goes right for him.  He soon loses his girl who can’t see life with an ex-con and his old job because as a parolee he is not allowed to drive.  His efforts to secure work fail until finally he is forced to work with teenagers as a stock clerk.  Tim is so disgusted with his own prospects and life’s unfairness to Cliff that he is tempted to turn to crime himself.  Cliff will do anything to prevent his brother from suffering his own fate and reaches out to Chuck.

This is a solid movie though nothing I would seek out again.  It made me wonder when American society lost all sympathy for prisoners.  I don’t think such a film would be made today though the stakes in reintegrating released convicts are even higher.

Clip – Opening scenes


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