The Invisible Man Returns (1940)

The Invisible Man Returns
Directed by Joe May
Written by Joe May, Curt Siodmak, and Lester Cole based on characters by H.G. Wells
Universal Pictures

First viewing/Netflix rental

[box] Helen Manson: Helen to Geoffrey as he removes his bandages and clothes to leave, “When will I see you”?[/box]

Vincent Price, with his mellifluous voice, makes a worthy successor to Claude Rains in the title role.  I thought this was almost as good as the original, though it lacked some of that film’s humor.

Sir Geoffrey Radcliffe (Price) is on death row having falsely been convicted for the murder of his brother.  When legitimate appeals fail to free him, Dr. Frank Griffin, scientist brother of the original “Invisible Man” gives him the serum which allows him to escape undetected. Griffin promises that he will be able to develop a antidote that will allow Radcliffe to return to normal before he goes insane.  Needless to say he fails and Radcliffe proceeds to go on a rampage against those he holds responsible for his brother’s death.  With Sir Cedric Hardwicke as a jealous and greedy mine owner and Nan Gray as Radcliffe’s lady love.

I think Vincent Price was born to play horror.  He can come off as a big ham in straight dramatic roles but his gaudy acting style perfectly suits genre films. This is a product of its time as part of Radcliffe’s insanity has very Hitler-esque overtones of megalomania.


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