Hush … Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)

Hush … Hush, Sweet Charlotte
Directed by Robert Aldrich
Written by Henry Farrell and Lukas Heller
The Associates & Aldrich Company
First viewing/Netflix rental


[box] Charlotte: What do you think I asked you here for? COMPANY?[/box]

More grande dame grand guignol from director Robert Aldrich.  Bette Davis steals the show out from under a distinguished cast.

The film begins with a flashback to a day that would change the life of Charlotte Hollis (Davis) forever.  Her affair and plans to elope with John Mayhew (Bruce Dern) have been discovered and reported to her father (Victor Buono) and his wife, Jewel.  Dad has a heart-to-heart with John who agrees to let Charlotte down.  Shortly thereafter unknown hands sever John’s head and hand with an axe.  Charlotte is widely believed to have been responsible although a case was never made against to her.

Thirty-five years later, the fragile, somewhat dotty Charlotte is living alone in her old family home tended to by the loyal Velma (Agnes Moorehead).  The house has been condemned to make room for a bridge but Charlotte defends her property with a shot gun.  She is sure that a visit by her last living relative, cousin Miriam (Olivia De Havilland) will clear everything up.  But Miriam’s presence only causes Charlotte’s mental health to take a nose-dive. With Mary Astor as the older Jewel Mayhew and Joseph Cotten as Charlotte’s good-ol’-boy doctor.

I really liked this.  It’s nice and juicy and graphic and there are all those old movie stars to enjoy.  Everybody is acting their hearts out but Davis is something special here. Recommended.

Hush … Hush, Sweet Charlotte was nominated for Academy Awards in the categories of Best Supporting Actress (Moorehead); Best Cinematography, Black-and-White; Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White; Best Costume Design, Black-and-White; Best Film Editting; Best Music, Original Song; and Best Music, Substantially Original Score.


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