Home, unscathed

We arrived in Maui on Tuesday afternoon only to find that Hurricanes Iselle and Julio were not far behind.  We stocked up on supplies and waited out the storm/s in our rented condo.  It turned out to be something of a non-event.  Iselle lost steam as it passed over the Big Island of Hawaii and Julio took a track a couple of hundred miles to our north.

Iselle did some damage on the Big Island.

Hurricane winds, Hilo, Hawaii

The weather was mostly just wonderful.  People kept complaining about the heat.  They don’t know from heat …

The hurricane did have the side benefit of introducing me to this guy, which I spotted in a parking lot (not my picture).  I think he must have been blown over from the Big Island, which is his usual home in Hawaii.

Back with some movies soon!




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