High Plains Drifter (1973)

High Plains Drifter
Directed by Clint Eastwood
Written by Ernest Tidyman
IMDb page
First viewing/Amazon Prime rental
One of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die


Sarah Belding: I knew you were cruel, but I didn’t know how far you could go.
The Stranger: Well, you still don’t.

This movie lost me after the violent rape at the beginning.  It proceeds to get more violent, bloody and cruel.

Clint Eastwood known only as “The Stranger” rides into the little Western town of Lago. He first kills the three gunmen who have been protecting the town. Then pretty  young Callie Travers (Marianna Hill) deliberately runs into him.  She complains he tore her dress.  Then she gives him some lip so he takes her to a barn and violently rapes her. Later she voluntarily sleeps with her rapist, though with ill intent.

The Stranger has nightmares about the town’s former Marshall who was horrifically whipped to death in Lago by multiple men (we see this in excruciating detail) because he threatened to reveal the town’s secret.

After the killing of their gunmen, the town’s leaders decide that The Stranger is the man to take care of three outlaws who have been released from prison and have threatened to burn down the town.  The Stranger is initially reluctant but an offer of anything/anything he wants convinces him to take on the job.  What he wants especially is to destroy the town along with the outlaws.  He forces the people to do many incomprehensible things.  The movie builds to an elaborate violent climax in which the the Stranger’s plan comes together.

I really didn’t want to watch this after the rape.  But I persevered and saw the entire thing, which was also too violent and cruel for me.  Obviously this is on The List and seems to have many fans on IMDb.  So I am in the minority here.  Actually, there is nothing really wrong with the movie and those with thicker skin than mine might love it.



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