That Hamilton Woman (1941)

That Hamilton Woman (AKA “Lady Hamilton”)
Directed by Alexander Korda
Written by Walter Reisch and R.C. Sherriff
Alexander Korda Films/London Films Productions

Repeat viewing/Netflix rental

[box] [Emma has just recounted her story to her cellmate, ending with her learning of Nelson’s death]

The Streetgirl: And then?  What happened after?

Emma: There is no “then”. There is no “after”.[/box]

I like this historical drama about the great love between Horatio Lord Nelson and Lady Emma Hamilton set at the time of England’s last great struggle with a dictator from the Continent.

The story is told in flashback by an impoverished Emma (Vivien Leigh) who is sitting in a jail cell in Calais.  It begins when the beautiful 18-year old Emma Hart is essentially “sold” by her lover to his much older uncle Lord Hamilton (Alan Mowbray), the British Ambassador to the court at Naples and a connoisseur of fine things .  Hamilton educates his prize and grows so enamored of her that he marries her.  She proves to be a valuable asset in his diplomacy, soon forming a close relationship with the Queen.

Her acquaintance with Nelson (Laurence Olivier) begins when she is able to get him troops through her influence at court.  Over the years, as Nelson is becoming a great naval hero, the friendship ripens into a passionate love affair.  Although both parties are married, they carry on their liaison quite openly.  Nelson can get away with almost anything but society decidedly does not approve of Emma.  When her lover is killed at the Battle of Trafalgar, she and their daughter are left penniless.  With Sara Allgood as Emma’s mother and Gladys Cooper as Nelson’s wife.

Alexander Korda, a close friend of Churchill’s, capitalized on the recent marriage of his two leads and Leigh’s fame from Gone With the Wind to frame a patriotic tale of British resistance against a European tyrant.  Olivier makes a couple of speeches warning against appeasement and rallying his troops.  But this is primarily a love story between characters played by two beautiful and gifted actors and the medicine goes down quite easily.

That Hamilton Woman won the Oscar for Best Sound Recording.  It was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Black-and-White Cinematography (Rudolph Maté) and Best Black-and-White Art Direction.



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