Green for Danger (1946)

Green for Danger
Directed by Sidney Gilliat
Written by Sidney Gilliat and Claude Guerney from the novel by Christianna Brand
Individual Pictures
Repeat viewing/Netflix rental


[box] Inspector Cockrill: “In view of my failure – correction, comparative failure – I feel that I have no alternative but to offer you, sir, my resignation, in the sincere hope that you will not accept it.” Full stop.[/box]

Even if it weren’t such an effective mystery, I’d be forever grateful to this movie. It made Alistair Sim a star.

The story is told in flashback as Inspector Cockrill (Sim) dictates a report on his investigation of a series of murders at an English hospital during the 1944-45 V-1 attacks. The good inspector does not actually enter the narrative until about half way in.

A group of surgeons and nurses works hard under tremendous strain in a countryside hospital.  The ones who are not going slightly batty are engaging in romantic hi-jinx to cope.  Then a patient dies while receiving anesthesia in surgery.  This throws the spotlight on anesthesiologist Dr. Barnes (Trevor Howard), who was previously exonerated for a similar death.  Adding to the drama is that Barnes’ nurse fiancee has called off the engagement and made a date with lothario surgeon Mr. Eden (Leo Genn).

Sim observing a fist fight

Eden’s jilted sweetheart announces at a dance soon after that she has evidence that will show the surgical death to be murder.  She is murdered before she can retrieve it.  At this point, Cockrill appears and goads the various suspects until he solves the crimes.

This is a fun mystery with some very solid British acting.  Howard is starting to move into his ever so slightly cynical and sinister phase.  Sim steals the show however.  His Cockrill is just a hoot.

Bruce Eder again delivers with an excellent commentary on the Criterion DVD.


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