Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939)

Goodbye, Mr. Chips
Directed by Sam Wood
Written by R.C. Sherriff, Claudine West, and Eric Maschwitz based on the book by James Hilton
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer British Studios
Repeat viewing/Netflix rental

[box] Mr. Chipping ‘Mr. Chips’: I thought I heard you saying it was a pity… pity I never had any children. But you’re wrong. I have. Thousands of them. Thousands of them… and all boys.[/box]

How in the heck did this classic miss the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die List?

Told primarily in flashback, the story follows the 60+ year career and life of Charles Chipping (Robert Donat), a Latin teacher at an old and prestigious English boys’ school (think Eton).   The boys walk all over the timid, awkward Chipping and he responds by becoming a heartily disliked disciplinarian.  Then, after he suffers a stinging career setback, a kindly German teacher (Paul Heinreid) takes him on a mountaineering expedition to Austria on holiday.  Purely by chance, he meets Kathy (Greer Garson) and she changes his life.

For those of you who think I am developing a heart of stone, I have to report that I watched almost the entire movie through a veil of tears.  Because I had seen it before,  it didn’t take anything particularly sad to set me off.    There is something about the British stiff upper lip that causes my own lip to start quivering.  This is a beautiful film in every way and Robert Donat’s Best Actor Oscar was richly deserved in a year of great performances.  I can’t imagine why this is not on The List and would encourage everyone to put it near the top of their own personal “to watch” pile.

Goodbye, Mr. Chips was also nominated in the categories of Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, Best Sound Recording, and Best Film Editing.


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