The Ghost of Yotsuya (1959)

The Ghost of Yotsuya (Tôkaidô Yotsuya kaidan)
Directed by Nobuo Nakagawa
Written by Masayoshi Onuki and Yoshihiro Ishikawa from a play by Nanboku Tsuruya
Shintoho Film Distribution Committee
First viewing/Hulu

[box] No ghost was ever seen by two pair of eyes. Thomas Carlyle [/box]

This gory ghost story turned out to be perfect for Halloween.

This is from an oft-filmed legend.  A greedy ronin and his sidekick murder a wealthy man who refuses to allow the men to marry his daughters.  The men trick the women into marrying them by vowing vengeance against fictitious culprits.  The ronin’s gentle wife Iwa grows to truly love him and bears him a son.  But the ronin’s greed and cruelty know no bounds and he spots a more profitable marriage prospect.

The ronin resorts to murder via a disfiguring poison.  He tries to set up an acquaintance for the crime but ultimately murders him as well.  Both victims take horrifying revenge from the grave. Buckets of blood ensue.

It takes some time for this film to get going.  When it does, it boasts some truly scary and graphic special effects.  The whole thing is beautifully shot in vivid color.  Recommended if the subject appeals.

Fan trailer

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