“George”, Eleanor and Woody

Being George Clooney
Directed by Paul Mariano
First viewing/Netflix Instant



[box] You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk. — George Clooney[/box]

It’s a charming documentary about voice actors all over the world who have made a career out of dubbing George Clooney.  Although few have met the actor, all feel close to him and woe betide the film company that tries to change dubbers fans have gotten used to!  Really interesting look at an unsung niche of the movie industry.  


The Eleanor Roosevelt Story
Directed by Richard Kaplan
First viewing/Amazon Instant


[box] The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. — Eleanor Roosevelt [/box]

An affectionate biography and tribute to a great lady.  Recommended to those with any interest at all in the subject matter.  This film won the Academy Award for Best Documentary, Feature.


Woody Allen: A Documentary
Directed by Robert B. Weide
First viewing/Amazon Prime

[box] The two biggest myths about me are that I’m an intellectual, because I wear these glasses, and that I’m an artist because my films lose money. Those two myths have been prevalent for many years. — Woody Allen[/box]

The film covers Allen’s entire life and filmography in two parts adding up to about three hours.  A man this prolific deserved the time spent on him.  We get lots of talking heads but more importantly rare quiet moments in which the director reminisces and philosophizes.  This is obviously an authorized biography and thus does not give undue emphasis to painful matters.  Mia Farrow is treated kindly.  I  still love the movies and this may be as close as we get to their maker.  I can still watch them with fondness as by now they are part of me.



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