Fame (1980)

Directed by Alan Parker
Written by Christopher Gore
IMDb page
Repeat viewing/Amazon Prime rental

Angelo: [Starts playing his son’s tape on top of loudspeakers on his cab] My son’s music! My son Bruno, Bruno Martelli, he wrote the music! Today 46th street, tomorrow Madison Square Garden!

Several days ago, I watched Alan Parker’s “Fame” (1980). I remember this from original release. It did not disappoint this time around.

The film is about a students at the New York School for Performing Arts. The story takes us from the tension of auditions to graduation day. But don’t worry there is plenty of teenage angst and drama.

The angst doesn’t measure up to the fabulous dancing and the Academy-Award-Winning title song and score, which has stood the test of time.

Music video – not the movie version

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