Drunken Master (1978)

Drunken Master (Zui quan)
Directed by Woo-Ping Yuen
Written by Lung Hsiao and See-Yuen Ng
1978/Hong Kong
IMDb page
First viewing/Amazon Prime rental

Jim Ti-Sam: I’ll break every bone in your body… and send you to hell.

I gave this Jackie Chan kung-fu movie a chance and regretted it.

I’ll be brief.  Jackie Chan plays the skilled and hot-headed son of a master in kung fu.  He gets in a fight with the wrong person and his father punishes him by putting him under the harsh tulelage of a master in drunken kung-fu.  I stopped paying attention about half-way in.

I put this on because I thought it might be amusing given its 7.4/10 IMDb rating.  This is a crass slapstick comedy where pratfalls are substituted with cartoonish martial arts face-offs.  The fights are almost non-stop and although the moves are meant to be funny as well as impressive, they are also over-the-top violent.  Life is really too short.


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