Dressed to Kill (1980)

Dressed to Kill
Directed by Brian De Palma
Written by Brian De Palma
IMDb page
First viewing/Amazon Prime rental

Doctor Robert Elliott: Doctor, I am not paranoid. Bobbi was making threats over the phone. She said she’s going to hurt me. My patient was slashed to death. And now my razor is gone. Now you don’t have to be a detective to figure it out, do you?

Wanna-be Hitchcock with less wit, less dialogue, more gore, and WAY more nudity.

Angie Dickinson plays a sexually repressed upper class woman who decides to pick up strange men on the street and experiment. Michael Caine plays her psychiatrist, Nancy Allen plays a call-girl, and Keith Gordon plays Dickinson’s son. Before the movie is over the three will become amateur detectives to their great peril.

The best things about this movie are Angie Dickinson’s ravishing beauty and that I didn’t guess the twist ending. Nothing I need to see again.

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