Derby (1970)

Directed by Robert Kaylor
IMDb page
First viewing/Amazon Prime



Roller derby is a roller skating contact sport played by two teams of fifteen members. Roller derby is played by approximately 1,250 amateur leagues worldwide, mostly inside the United States.  Game play consists of a series of short scrimmages (jams) in which both teams designate a jammer (who wears a unique designation on the helmet; currently a star) and four blockers to skate counter-clockwise around a track. The jammer scores points by lapping members of the opposing team. The teams attempt to hinder the opposing jammer while assisting their own jammer—in effect, playing both offense and defense simultaneously.

Interesting backstage look at that slice of Americana known as the Roller Derby, back when the sport entertained millions with its theatrics and slugfests.

This gritty documentary features looks at both male and female derby action and conversations with players.  It gains additional interest by focusing on a charismatic bad-boy named Mike Snell who is a skater wanna-be.  His womanizing, slacker lifestyle is contrasted with the material achievements of veteran skater Charlie O’Connor.

It looks to have been a tough business.  The fights might have been staged but I’m sure a lot of the bruises were  real.  We get a chat with a couple of real bloodthirsty fans as well.  I enjoyed this mostly for nostalgia value.  When I was in Junior High I had a friend whose mother was a big fan and I got to go to a live match once.  I’m not really into fisticuffs so the attraction escaped me.

Leon Russell signs “Queen of the Roller Derby”

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