Dear Heart (1964)

Dear Heart
Directed by Delbert Mann
Written by Tad Mosel
Out of Towners Productions
First viewing/FilmStruck

[box] Evie Jackson: Did you see how we just came in, Harry? Got a table right away. Isn’t life easy when there are two of you?[/box]

OK romcom about love between an ex-playboy and a wacky spinster.

The story is set at a New York City where a postmaster’s convention is being held.  Aging spinster postmistress Evie Jackson (Geraldine Page) attends these things every year.  She has been known to sow some wild oats but is looking for love at the moment.  Harry Mork (Glenn Ford) has just been promoted from traveling salesman to marketing director in the city and is staying at the hotel while he gets settled.  He has recently become engaged to Phyllis (Angela Lansbury) and looks forward to becoming domesticated.

Convention crowds and Fate keep throwing Evie and Harry together.  He tells her he is married but she doesn’t believe him.  Gradually, these opposites attract.

Having been single for the first forty years of my life,  I have problems with the characterization of spinsters in films of this era.  They are always the most pathetic creatures imaginable.  Page’s character tries way too hard.  Obviously, an actress of Page’s caliber carries it off pretty well and the story has an appealing sweetness.

Henry Mancini, Jay Livingston, and Ray Evans were nominated for an Academy Award for Best Music, Original Song for the title tune.


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