Conquest of the Air (1936)

Conquest of the Air
Directed by Alexander Esway, Zoltan Korda et al
Stories by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, commentaries by Peter Bezencenet et al
London Films Productions
First viewing

[box] Not to have an adequate air force in the present state of the world is to compromise the foundations of national freedom and independence. — Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 14 March 1933.[/box]

This documentary recounts the history of aviation from Icarus to the late 30’s.  It is pedestrian in style but offers fascinating glimpses of weird and wonderful early aircraft, passenger air travel (with sleeping berths on the flight from New York to Los Angeles!), etc. The story is told both through reenactments and film clips. Laurence Olivier, though prominently featured on all the promotional material, has a tiny role as a pre-flight Italian scientist.

An updated version of the film was released in 1940, with an epilogue on aircraft design and production for the British war effort.


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