‘Breaker’ Morant (1980)

‘Breaker’ Morant
Directed by Bruce Beresford
Written by Jonathan Hardy, David Stevens and Bruce Beresford from a play by Kenneth J. Ross

IMDb page
Repeat viewing Criterion Channel

Lord Kitchener: Good God, Johnny, l’m not trying to prove some academic point. I’m trying to put an end to this useless war. The Boer leaders must see in this court-martial the demonstration of our impartial justice. If these three Australians have to be – sacrificed – to help bring about a peace conference – it’s a small price to pay.
Col. Ian (Johnny) Hamilton: I quite agree, sir. Though I doubt the Australians share our enthusiasm.

This powerful courtroom drama/war movie has been a favorite for years.

The setting is South Africa during the Boer War. Much of the fighting is between the British and ragtag guerrilla fighters that rely on ambush and then disappear into the local population.

The Bushveldt Carbineers was formed as a special unit to combat these. The Carbineers are made up mostly of Australians. After their commanding officer was killed in an ambush, a unit is sent to retaliate. Many Boers are killed and some are taken prisoner. The prisoners are summarily executed when they are brought to camp. Later a German missionary who is believed to be a Boer spy is shot as well. The officers’ only defense is that they were acting under orders to take no prisoners.

The officers are represented by an Australian lawyer (Jack Thompson) with no trial experience is tasked to defend the men. The court is not prepared for his passionate representation.

This is a very thought provoking film. It is clear the officers are guilty but also clear that they are being used as scapegoats. Was it a revenge killing or part of combat? The acting and production are excellent. Highly recommended.

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