Gregory’s Girl (1980)

Gregory’s Girl
Written and directed by Bill Forsyth

IMDb page
Repeat viewing/Criterion Channel

Gordon: I want to find the real Dorothy. The one underneath the football shirt.

It’s a charming comedy about high school boy crushes and the girls that wrap them around their little finger.

Gregory is a friendly but quirky sixteen-year-old who plays on the football/soccer team. The team loses all its games, due in part to Gregory’s clumsiness. The coach is looking for a good striker. Imagine his amazement when the girl he discouraged from trying out proves to be super talented. Gregory gets kicked off the team but doesn’t mind since he is head over heels for Dorothy who replaced him. But he’s never quite sure exactly where he stands. Then she agrees to a date and …

I tend to like these sweet sleeper comedies and this is a very good one. Add all those people speaking in Scottish brogues and I am in heaven.

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