Daily Archives: June 18, 2024

The Thing (1982)

The Thing
Directed by John Carpenter
Written by Bill Lancaster from a story by John W. Campbell Jr.
IMDb page
One of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die
First viewing/YouTube rental

Nauls: Maybe we at war with Norway?

John Carpenter’s “The Thing” blends science fiction, horror, and gore into a neat package.

As the movie begins, we see a helicopter chasing a dog over Antarctic wilderness and shooting. American scientists nearby deduce it is a Norwegian chopper and find its actions weird and alarming. Ace helicopter pilot and general bad ass Mac Ready (Kurt Russell) and the base’s doctor Blair (Wilford Brimley) go out and investigate and find that the Norwegians have burned their base and there are apparently no survivors. The two discover a disgusting thing. Of course, they must take it back to their base for an autopsy.

Before long they find out aliens are among them and are slowly assimilating into the bodies of first dogs and then men. The men become paranoid as it is impossible to tell who remains human.

The selling points of the film are the horrifying and gruesome special effects during transformation sequences. They are truly awesome but not awesome enough for me to want a rewatch of all that blood and tissue.

This time I’m with Roger


First Contact (1982)

First Contact
Directed by Robin Anderson and Bob Connelly
IMDb page
Repeat viewing/YouTube (free)

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. – Margaret Mead

“First Contact”  is a fascinating look at the White Man’s contact with a million people in the Papua New Guinea highlands who were living in the Stone Age.

Australian gold prospectors penetrated into the interior of Papua New Guinea in 1930. The people were isolated in settlements and their only outside contact was with enemy tribes with whom they fought for territory. They saw their first wheel on the bottom of an airplane. The appearance of white men, with their metal tools, gramophone, guns and plethora of trade goods, was cause for great astonishment. They wondered if they were being visited by the spirits of their ancestors. Soon enough they would learn that these aliens were not so different from themselves.


The film contains historical footage as well as interviews with Australians and Papua New Guineans who were there at first contact. I lived in Papua New Guinea for three years and just had to choose this movie as my first for 1982. We lived a very privileged existence and it was still scary as hell.

My Dear Subscribers

I have recovered my site but not my formatting.  I will have to attempt to recreate it.  Please forgive me for any annoyance.  I will however return to posting.