Gate of Flesh (1964)

Gate of Flesh (Nikutai no mon)
Directed by Seijun Suzuki
Written by Goro Tanada from a novel by Tajiro Tamura
First viewing/Netflix rentalIt is


[box] We say that slavery has vanished from European civilization, but this is not true. Slavery still exists, but now it applies only to women and its name is prostitution. VICTOR HUGO, Les Misérables[/box]

Suzuki’s gonzo cinema investigates the decadence of Occupied Japan.

It is sometime just after the end of WWII in Tokyo. A group of take-no-prisoners women have banded together to engage in prostitution near a U.S. Army base.  They have cut out the middle man and limit their clientele to Japanese.  The strictest house rule is absolutely no sex without pay.  Those that violate that rule are ruthlessly punished.

Into this world comes Shintaro Ibuki (Jo Shishido).  He is hiding out after having stabbed an American serviceman and is nursing a wound.  He plays it super cool and attracts all the women while basically ignoring them.  Eventually a couple will succumb to his charms, leading to some graphic girl-on-girl violence.

This is the first Suzuki film I’ve seen that does not feature yakuza.  Between all the prostitution and black-marketeering there is plenty of crime though and even more sleeze than usual.  Quite an experience.

no subtitles but the images are like something out of Buñuel

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