First Men in the Moon (1964)

First Men in the Moon
Directed by Nathan Juran
Written by Nigel Kneale and Jan Read from a story by H.G. Wells
Ameran Films
First viewing/Amazon Instant

The Grand Lunar: Men enjoy to make war?
Joseph Cavor: No. No, they detest it!
The Grand Lunar: Then if they make war, they are defective.

Ray Harryhausen goes Georges Melies one better!

At the time of the first UN moon landing, the astronauts discover evidence that the Victorians got there first.  We then segue into a long steampunk flashback of the adventures of those astronauts.  Apparently, in the 1890’s the moon was inhabited by fabulous creatures and had plenty of oxygen to breath underground.  By the end of the movie we will learn the reason all this passed away.

This is fun popcorn viewing.  Not as impressive as some of Harryhausen’s other work but good for what it is.

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