Tokyo Olympiad (1965)

Tokyo Olympiad (Tokyo Orinpikku)
Directed by Kon Ichikawa
Written by Kon Ichikawa, Yoshio Shirasaka, Shuntaro Tanikawa, and Natto Wada
Organizing Committee for the Games of the XVIII Olympiad/Toho Company
Repeat viewing/FilmStruck
One of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

[box] I’ve made various types of films: period dramas, modern dramas, films set in the Meiji period. But I don’t make any distinctions between them – they’re all films. True, with a period drama, there are certain conventions. With a modern drama, there is a different style of shooting. So you have to make changes according to the genre, but I never think, “This is a period drama, so I have to shoot it in such and such a way.” Films are films. If you don’t understand that, then you start filming lies. – Kon Ichikawa[/box]

Beautiful, thrilling document of Tokyo’s last Olympic moment by one of Japan’s great directors.

Ichikawa takes a great variety of approaches to covering the 1964 Olympics.  Some segments are straightforward depictions of events.  Others focus on individual athletes. Slow-motion sequences highlight the beauty of trained bodies in motion.

But it’s not just athletes.  The fans in the stadium and environs get a loving look see.  I read that the Olympic Organizing Committee had hoped for a “commercial film” glorifying Japanese athletes and winners.  Instead it got this humanistic version which is so much more.

Kon Ichikawa obviously loved people and the outcome was a loving portrait of a time and nation with all their warts.  At three hours, he maintained interest throughout.  I think Ichikawa is underrated. The Kurosawa-Ozu-Mizoguchi triumvirate should be a quartet.  His output including The Burmese Harp, Fires on the Plain, An Actor’s Revenge, and this film certainly merit greater recognition for the director.  Highly recommended.


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