Seconds (1966)

Directed by John Frankenheimer
Written by Lewis John Carlino from a novel by David Ely
Joel Productions/John Frankenheimer Productions Inc./Gibraltar Productions
First viewing/Amazon Instant
One of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

[box] Mr. Ruby: Isn’t it easier to go forward when you know you can’t go back?[/box]

Killer premise and cinematography are marred somewhat by over-arty directorial choices.

Arthur Hamilton is a disillusioned middle-aged banker.  He is approached by his old friend Charlie who tells him he can have a new life.  Problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead.  Eventually Arthur is introduced to representatives of an organization who persuade/coerce him to submit to a procedure that will grant him an entirely new identity, complete with new fingerprints.  Catch is “Arthur” will be killed off to the world through a staged hotel fire.

Credits by Saul Bass

Arthur has what looks like agonizingly painful plastic surgery.  He emerges from the bandages as Tony Wilson (Rock Hudson).  Tony/Arthur finds his swinging new life style is not what he imagined.  Then he discovers his deal with the firm did not come with an escape clause.  With an excellent supporting cast including Murray Hamilton, Jeff Corey, and Will Geer.

I had really high expectations for this one and was disappointed in the end.  It started out strong and then I got lost in the distractingly arty body horror that makes up about a third of the movie.  I think the basic problem was the film didn’t make me care what happened to Arthur/Tony.  A must-see?  Not for me but others will differ.

Saul Bass credits etc.


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