Zatoichi’s Cane Sword (1967)

Zatoichi’s Cane Sword (Zatoichi tekka tabi)
Directed by Kimiyoshi Yasuda
Written by Ryozo Kashahara/story by Kan Shimozawa
Daiei Studios
First viewing/Criterion Channel

[box] “Living is easy with eyes closed.” ― “Strawberry Fields”, John Lennon[/box]

Like a fine bag of Lay’s potato chips, a Zatoichi movie never disappoints.

As usual, Zatoichi is forced to fight off scores of gangsters, expose a gambling scam, rescue a damsel in distress, etc.  The apprentice of the master who made our hero’s cane sword informs him that it will likely break the next time he uses it for a kill.  Thus the sword is out of commission for about half the movie resulting in a relatively low body count.

I don’t know what more I can say after my previous reviews of this series.  Shintaro Katsu has less bad-assery in this one but more chance to demonstrate his talent at wry comedy. The cinematography is excellent.

While doing research on this review I learned there are movies called “Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo” and “Zatoichi Meets the One-Armed Swordsman” coming up.  Can’t wait!


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