{"id":15534,"date":"2016-11-18T10:08:53","date_gmt":"2016-11-18T18:08:53","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2020-05-06T16:25:18","modified_gmt":"2016-11-18T18:08:53","slug":"invisible-invaders-1959","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/flickersintime.com\/1959\/invisible-invaders-1959\/","title":{"rendered":"Invisible Invaders (1959)"},"content":{"rendered":"

Invisible Invaders<\/strong>
\nDirected by Edward L. Cahn<\/em>
\n Written by Samuel Newman<\/em>
\n 1959\/USA<\/em>
\n Robert E. Kent Productions<\/em>
\nFirst viewing\/Amazon Prime<\/p>\n

[box] Dr. Adam Penner: Dear Lord, I pray that I am insane, that all that happened is only in my mind. I pray that tomorrow the sun will shine again on living things, not on a world where only the dead walk the Earth.[\/box]<\/p>\n

Invisible aliens and living dead certainly do save on the old special effects budget …<\/p>\n

As the film begins,\u00a0an atomic lab explosion kills scientist Karol Noymann (John Carradine). Noymann’s friend, Dr. Adam Penner, is prompted to resign his position as head of a nuclear commission by the concurrent accidental release of radiation. \u00a0When Penner returns home to the desert he is contacted by an invisible alien occupying Noymann’s dead body. \u00a0The alien announces that the countries of the world have 24 hours to surrender. \u00a0Otherwise, aliens, all clothed in bodies of the dead, will inflict mass destruction and take over.<\/p>\n

Penner, another scientist, a military man (John Agar), and Penner’s lovely daughter all retreat to an impregnable bunker where they race against the clock to find a way to materialize the aliens and destroy them.<\/p>\n

This is OK for what it is. \u00a0I doubt that I will have a clue what it was about by next week.<\/p>\n