Whoopee! (1930)

Directed by Thornton Freeland
Written by William M. Conselman; story by William Anthony McGuire; from a play by Owen Davis
The Samuel Goldwyn Company
First viewing/Amazon Instant

[box] Another bride, another groom/ Another sunny honeymoon/ Another season, another reason/ For making whoopee –Lyrics by Gus Kahn[/box]

Busby Berkeley starts his dance director career with a bang in this fun musical.

For some reason Jewish hypocondriac Henry Williams (Eddie Cantor) is taking a rest cure in an Old West Town.  He is attended by a lovestruck nurse who is constantly trying to seduce him.  The remainder of the plot, such as it is, involves  a love triangle between a white lass, a boy raised by Native Americans and the local Sherriff.  Hijinx ensue.  In two-strip Technicolor.

This could not more clearly be a filmed stage play with a little bit of movie magic to allow Berkeley to do overhead shots and fit a bevy of beauties in the frame.  But if you are in the mood for some simple merriment, as I was, this is amazingly good.  I’m not that familiar with Cantor and he was really entertaining and had the opportunity to deliver two standards “Making Whoopee” and “My Baby Just Cares for Me” as well as some good lesser known songs. Those deeply offended by black face and some mild thirties racial humor need not apply,  Otherwise, recommended for lovers of musicals.

Classic Berkeley right out of the box — chorus girls emerge at about 2:00 – so good!

Eddie Cantor sings “Making Whoopee”

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