What I Did on My Summer Vacation + Rockers (1978)

I left movies to one side when my younger brother had his stroke.  He is still in rehab trying to connect his brain and his left side once again.  Anyway, I began working on this paint by number painting all day everyday.  Highly therapeutic and the image just takes me to my happy place.  It will be a gift to my brother for his birthday.  But I couldn’t stay away forever!


Directed by Ted Bafaloukos
Written by Ted Bafaloukos
IMDb page
First viewing/YouTube

I watched this about 2 weeks ago on YouTube.  There were no subtitles for the Jamaican patois and a lot of it flew right over my head.

The heroes are Rastafarians who battle corrupt local gangsters.


I wouldn’t watch this again without subtitles but it does feature a great reggae soundtrack from some of the greats like Peter Tosh and Junior Murvin.


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