Up in Smoke (1978)

Up in Smoke
Directed by Lou Adler
Written by Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin
IMDb page
First viewing/Amazon Prime (free to members)

Pedro: Hey how am I driving, man?
Man Stoner: [looks around] : I think we’re parked.

This stoner comedy was lacking any big laughs for me.

Pedro (Cheech Marin) picks up Man Stoner (Tommy Chong) hitchhiking.  They find they have an insatiable love for marijuana and other drugs in common.  There is currently a shortage in LA.  So they head for Mexico.

Dumb narc Sgt Stedenko and his even dumber associates are on the trail of a drug smuggling operation that disguises marijuana in the form of different objects.  Unbeknownst to Pedro and Man they are selected to drive a van entirely made of the stuff back to Los Angeles.

The film ends with a punk rock contest in which Pedro’s band participates.

It may have been the wrong day to watch this, but I didn’t find it particularly funny. Maybe if I had been high?  One of the more baffling entries on the List.

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