Two Shorts from 1929 – An Andalusian Dog and Big Business

An Andalusian Dog (Un chien andalou)
Directed by Luis Buñuel
Written by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí
IMDb page
Repeat viewing/YouTube
One of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Di

I don’t do drugs. I am drugs. — Salvador Dali

The Master of Unfulfilled Desires got his start with this short film made in conjunction with Salvador Dali. There is no plot exactly, just a lot of surrealist imagery and some characteristic jabs at the Church and some erotic but unconsumated liaisons.  19 minutes.  It was interesting to circle back around after seeing most of Buñuel’s films in my journey through cinema history.


Big Business
Directed by J. Wesley Horne, Supervising Director Leo McCarey
Written by HM Walker
Hal Roach Studios
IMDb page
First viewing/YouTube

[opening title board]
Narrator: The story of a man who turned the other cheek – and got punched in the nose.

Laurel and Hardy are door-to-door salesmen of Christmas trees in Los Angeles.  Their sales technique leaves a lot to be desired.  Their final customer says no rather violently and the boys respond tit for tat as their car and the customer’s house are completely destroyed.  16 minutes.  I enjoyed it.

See how much of 20’s Culver City and LA still survives

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