The Witch (1966)

The Witch (La strega in amore)
Directed by Damiano Damiani
Written by Ugo Liberatore and Damiano Damiani from a novel by Carlos Fuentes
Arco Film
First viewing/Amazon Instant


“Those that can heal can harm; those that can cure can kill.” ― Celia Rees, Witch Child

The main attractions of this giallo supernatural “thriller” are erotic scenes with the gorgeous Rosanna Schiaffino.  I am in the wrong demographic.

At the behest of Consuelo, a very strange old woman, a historian is lured to a creepy mansion to work on her late husband’s erotic journals.  When he arrives he finds not only Consuelo but Aura (Schiaffino) her lovely “daughter”.  It turns out the historian was brought there for Aura’s erotic benefit.  He displaces her former lover.  A lot of weird stuff occurs including sexy interpretive dances by both mother and daughter..

The plot to this one is extremely convoluted and I wasn’t interested enough to figure out its intricacies.  Schiaffino makes a stunning witch though.


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