The Werewolf (1956)

The Werewolfwerewolf poster
Directed by Fred F. Sears
Written by Robert E. Kent and James B. Gordon
Clover Productions
First viewing/Amazon Instant

Dr. Emery Forrest: You’re not going to kill him!
Dr. Morgan Chambers: You think he still wants to live after what he’s become? It would be an act of charity.

This is not half bad for a cheesy Sam-Katzman produced horror flick.

A stranger walks into a bar in a small mountain town.  He doesn’t know his name or where he is and is acting mighty strange.  His carelessness about money tempts one of the other customers to follow him into a dark alley.  The other customer never emerges, having had his throat ripped out by animal claws.

Eventually we find out that the man was involved in a minor car accident.  Some evil doctors got hold of him and injected an experimental serum designed to allow them to survive the coming nuclear holocaust.  Our friend, who has a wife and child worried about his disappearance, is a werewolf.  Things proceed as might be expected.


I got everything I could possibly hope for from this movie.  That is to say it was mildly entertaining.  Love the torch-wielding townspeople at the end!  The transformation technique left something to be desired but we can’t quibble about the details in these things.


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